English 738T, Spring 2015
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While I unfortunately had to miss tonight’s post-bootcamp festivities, I thought I’d bring to our table a happy-hour-inspired Ngram:

Despite a few foreseen quality concerns for this run (such as the various meanings of “spirits” and “liquor” in context), and surely unforeseen others, I am  officially convinced that modeling tools are powerful provocateurs of interesting questions…crucially, for example: should we be avidly investigating vintage year ~1673?

Have a good weekend, all!

A frequency chart of the terms "human" and "monster" in Frankenstein.

A two-part blog post: the first post will cover grabbing and analyzing Twitter and other textual data and working with them in Wordle and TextVoyeur, and the second will use these tools to consider the function of body parts in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.
