Join us for a very special Digital Dialogue on Tuesday, October 12th, 12:30-1:45 at the MITH Conference Room, McKeldin Library B0135. Immediately following the talk, the Departments of American Studies, Women’s Studies, and Art will hold a welcome reception at MITH to honor Maryland’s recent digital humanities faculty hires: Dr. Hasan Elahi, Dr. Jason Farman, and Dr. Tara Rodgers.

“Mapping the Mobile Interface: Geolocation Meets Visualization” by Jason Farman

Landscapes are being transformed into information interfaces. Foundational to our embodied experience of place are the ways in which we represent and visualize space. From crowdsourced maps to urban markup, mobile technologies are intervening in the ways we visualize our interactions with place. Focusing on examples such as the augmented reality applications Street Museum and Twitter 360, the emotion maps in Christian Nold’s Biomapping, and the crowdsourced maps created of Haiti after the 2010 earthquake, this study elaborates on the ways that representations of spaces created with mobile technologies reinstill the integral link between embodied action and the production of space.

JASON FARMAN is Assistant Professor at University of Maryland, College Park in the Department of American Studies. He received his PhD in Performance Studies and Digital Media from the University of California, Los Angeles. Farman’s research includes mobile technologies, social media, videogames, digital storytelling, digital performance art, surveillance, and embodiment. He has published in the journals New Media & Society, Communication Quarterly, and Contemporary Theatre Review. His most recent project is a book manuscript titled Mobile Interface Theory (Routledge, 2011), which investigates the changing conceptions of embodiment and space in pervasive computing culture. This work focuses on the uses of mobile technologies for the creation of performance art, site-specific narrative, and gaming.

View MITH’s complete Fall Speakers Schedule here:

All talks free and open to the public!

Contact: Neil Fraistat, Director, MITH (,, 5-8927).