Category Archives: Uncategorized

Seadragon and Djatoka

In an earlier post, I suggested that it might be cool to link the open source version of Microsoft’s Seadragon to Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Jpeg2000 server, Djatoka.  Since that post, the folks at OpenSeadragon cleaned up a lot of the JavaScript  making it much easier to do this.  I’ve essentially just rewritten the “get [...]

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TILE partners with EMiC

TILE has formed a partnership with Dean Irvine and Meg Timney and their work with Editing Modernism in Canada. More to come, but for now here’s a link to EMiC.

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A Simple Page Turner

I’m not really sure the world needs another page turning application. The Internet Archive already has a pretty good open source one here that has some great features and is fairly simple to use.   There’s also METS navigator from Indiana University.  Still, when project co-PI Dot Porter recently tweeted to ask for a simple, no [...]

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External review of TILE

Our external evaluator, Melissa Terras, has submitted her external review of year one of our work on TILE. It is a very helpful analysis and is available here for those interested.

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How does TILE relate to TEI?

One question that we frequently get about TILE is how it relates to TEI. TEI is the Text Encoding Initiative, the de facto standard (or, more properly, a set of flexible guidelines) for humanities text encoding. The most recent version to TEI, P5, includes guidelines for incorporating images into text editions: linking the TEI document [...]

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Some Thoughts on TILE Partner Projects

Newton, Swinburne, Kirby: One of these things is not like the other? TILE is a community-driven effort, with many partners. As one of those partners, my role, at least as I see it, is to provide use case scenarios that help guide the development of the TILE tools, to implement the tools in the context [...]

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Layers 3 and 4

In my last blog entry I detailed the first two layers of a four-layer model for electronic editions and archives.  The final two layers are detailed below: Level 3: Interface layer While stacks of multimedia files and transcripts in open repositories would, in some ways, improve the current state of digital libraries, interfaces are required [...]

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A four layer model for image-based editions

Perhaps the most iconic sort of project in the literary digital humanities is the electronic edition.  Unfortunately, these projects, which seek to preserve and provide access to important and endangered cultural artifacts, are, themselves, endangered.  Centuries of experimentation with the production and preservation of paper have generated physical artifacts that, although fragile, can be placed [...]

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TILE directors begin blogging

Last week, the TILE team held their six month project meeting in Bloomington, Indiana.  At this meeting we further refined the scope of the project and have agreed to deliver the following tools by July of 2010: A extension of the image markup features of the Ajax XML Encoder (AXE).  The extension will feature a [...]

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