A MITH Digital Dialogue
Tuesday, February 27, 12:30-1:45
MITH Conference Room, McKeldin Library B0135

“Xerographers of the Mind: The Lost Idea of the Photocopy”

LISA GITELMAN (Catholic University)

Part of a larger in-progress project on textual interface, “Xerographers of the Mind” seeks to recover the idea of the photocopy, an idea so lately corrupted by our intuitive knowledge of things digital. To do so, it addresses famous photocopies of the 1960s and 1970s — especially the Pentagon Papers — illustrating ways in which documentary reproduction is a construct both dynamic and diverse. Your reflections and suggestions will be welcomed.

LISA GITELMAN is Associate Professor of Media Studies at Catholic University. She is the author of Scripts, Grooves, and Writing Machines (Stanford 1999) and Always Already New: Media , History, and the Data of Culture (MIT 2006) as well as the co-editor of New Media, 1740-1914 (MIT 2003).

Coming up @MITH, March 6: Catherine Hays Zabriskie and Janel Brennan-Tillmann (ARHU), “Applying Web 2.0 tools to Instruction: Collaborative Website Development with Wikis and Managing Information Overload with RSS Feeds.”

View MITH’s complete Spring Speakers Schedule here.

Free and open to the public.

Contact: Neil Fraistat, Director, MITH (www.mith.umd.edu, mith@umd.edu, 5-8927).