English 738T, Spring 2015
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Thoughts on Patchwork Girl Project / “Story” and “Quilt” Sections

Posted by Amanda Gogarty on Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 at 1:42 pm

Jumping off of our conversation from last Wednesday, the two sections of our Patchwork Girl project that i would be most interested in developing are the “Story” and “quilt” sections.

I think that the idea of a journal (which was mentioned in an earlier post) would be a really beneficial way to approach the story section (or at least part of it) and would be an interesting form to write in, since we would indeed have to make decisions about whose voice(s) to use and about which stories we want to tell, and to what end.  It would allow us to continue, intertwine, and/or retell narratives that we have already been presented with in a unique way.

I am most intrigued by the idea of the “quilt” section for its potential to extend our critical discussion of “ownership,” especially as it relates to today’s digital works that are more widely and instantly accessible than their print predecessors.  Although it would be interesting to interweave quotations from Shelley Jackson (about wanting piratical readers) and Eastgate (about its proprietary control, perhaps even citations of lawsuits it has filed,) I think we could modernize this discussion a take it a step further by incorporating some modern authors, critics, etc. who are concerned with digital ownership of the text (and who have written articles about it in the past couple of years.)  Incorporating some recently scholarly work into our project could make a conversation about PWG itself and about other digital texts more inviting for current and future scholars.

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